4 Political Hot Takes in the Wake of Coronavirus

Here are a few quick things I’ve been thinking about from a political science perspective in the wake of coronavirus. (I also have a host of other thoughts from a religious perspective, a mental health perspective, and my personal perspective; those aren’t included here. If you’re curious for my thoughts from those angles, let me … Continue reading “4 Political Hot Takes in the Wake of Coronavirus”

Want fewer abortions? The evidence suggests you should vote Democrat

Today was the annual “March For Life,” the largest pro-life demonstration in the US, hosted in Washington DC on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. It’s particularly significant this year because Donald Trump was the first sitting US president to attend in its 47-year history (I won’t dwell on the latent hypocrisy of having Trump … Continue reading “Want fewer abortions? The evidence suggests you should vote Democrat”